I have collaborated with hundreds of commercial and nonprofit clients to capture engaging still images, and I also direct and shoot video projects. My clients are local (Vermont), national, and international, and range from solopreneurs to multimillion-dollar companies.
It is vital to me that my subjects feel at ease. So I meticulously plan and prepare for every session, thinking through and testing scenarios. And yet I also know that some of my finest images have arisen out of randomness or when things didn’t go entirely to plan. So I also embrace chance, and am highly flexible and adaptive – ready to problem solve on the fly. I feel it helps that I have a generalist mindset and am curious to a fault.
The photography I love doing most is environmental portraiture – capturing subjects in their natural habitat, showing who they are in the current chapter of their life story.
Home is Montpelier, Vermont, where I live with my wife Stephanie, and where our two grown children sometimes visit in order to make us feel very proud and slightly old.
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